
Get a High-Risk Merchant Account That Works With ClickFunnels Easily.

ClickFunnels is a well-known “sales funnel” and ecommerce platform that is hosted by ClickFunnels. Russell Brunson, author of the book “Dotcom Secrets,” designed the program in 2014. ClickFunnels is based in Eagle, Idaho, with a second location in Atlanta, Georgia.

For one of the following reasons, ClickFunnels customers may require an alternative to the default ClickFunnels-recommended credit card processing service (Stripe):

High-Risk Industry
Your ClickFunnels store sells products in industries classified as “high risk” by Stripe or other merchant account providers. This classification is subject to the opinion of each merchant account provider (and may vary over time), but in general, “high risk” industries include nutraceuticals, vape & e-cig, doc prep, and so on.
Chargebacks in the Past
Within a relatively small sample number of orders, your existing Stripe account or other merchant account has received many chargebacks. Even two or three chargebacks in a month, depending on your order volume, could result in an automated or manual evaluation of your merchant account.


Stripe is recommended by ClickFunnels as the default credit card processing gateway for ClickFunnels users. Stripe (and comparable firms like PayPal) will require merchants who are classified as “high risk” (and so denied) to connect a third-party high risk merchant account.

eDataPay the Payments Service provider allows eCommerce merchants to choose between and NMI as their payment gateway, both of which connect effortlessly with the ClickFunnels platform.

In your Welcome Email, you will be provided a login to your choice payment gateways, eDataPay International, or NMI, once you have been accepted for a high risk merchant account by eDataPay the Payments Service provider. You can then use the payment gateway login (and API information) that was sent to you in your Welcome Email to connect your eDataPay merchant account directly into ClickFunnels.


Here are some resources you may find helpful if your business uses the ClickFunnels platform, and you’ve been categorized as “high risk.”


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