PCI Compliance
eDataPay & Financial Payments’ One-Stop Solution for PCI compliance:
Fewer headaches. More profit.
eDataPay.com Payments opt-out PCI compliance program gives merchants an easy way
to achieve compliance with the Card Associations, while providing you with an
additional revenue stream.
Merchants simply complete an online Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)
accessible through your account. Upon completion, their compliance is automatically certified with the Card Associations.
eDataPay.com Payments program also includes a financial protection plan that pays up to
$10,000 in the event the data of a certified merchant is breached, plus free system
and network scans for any merchant whose SAQ results indicate the need.
eDataPay.com Payments charges one low fee for all of the above benefits, but you decide
how much you want to charge your merchants. And we give you the marketing and
sales materials you need to inform your merchants, and address any questions they
might have.
With eDataPay.com Payment, PCI DSS compliance certification is smart, simple and
profitable. Just the way you like it.
For more information about PCI Compliance
PCI Compliance,
888-395-9554, +1-561-395-9554
or email us at: info@eDataPay.com