The necessity for credit card processing and other payment alternatives is obvious with tens of thousands of moving companies hauling products.


Many local banks and credit card processors see the moving and shipping industry as “high risk,” and many will not tolerate any chargebacks or companions. As a result, several large bankcard companies refuse to give merchant services to moving companies and brokers.

eDataPay Payments Banking providers are available and willing to collaborate with you, offering competitive rates, reserve or no reserve, and an additional merchant account as a primary requirement. We’re seeing an increasing number of clients with three to four merchant accounts.

Traditional home and office movers, booking agents, carriers, local and long-distance transportation companies, high value transporters, auto transporters, PBO transporters, van operators, logistics and warehouse companies, web and app based technology companies, and others will all work with eDataPay.

The eDataPay team is pleased to provide moving and transportation companies with merchant services. We value the services given by all types of businesses in the industry, including those who ship goods, move various objects, and facilitate residential relocation, among other things.

Many CRMs and Softer providers, including SAAS companies, use the eDataPay Payment Gateway: CRM and software platforms commonly used by moving companies, such as Elromco, MovePoint, and MoveNinja, are examples. Granot, Move Pro, MoverWorX, Soffront, Netensity, Zoho CRM, and Salesforce are just a few of the CRM and software suites we’re compatible with.


Transporters sales team frequently use eDataPay’s virtual terminal to receive credit card payments over the phone.

Because this type of card acceptance isn’t done face to face, it’s more vulnerable to outright fraud than retail purchases.

Obtain more Merchant accounts today to expand your competence and capacity.

Moving and transportation firms who provide the greatest customer service will continue to have the top evaluations and achieve the most success.

Payments are an important component of that seamless experience… and in the end, the superior payment technology will triumph.

Call me today and let’s start



