With a market worth more than $28 billion, the moving sector is vital. The necessity for credit card processing and other payment alternatives is obvious with tens of thousands of moving companies hauling products.

Unfortunately, many banks and credit card processors regard moving and transportation companies as “high risk,” and refuse to give merchant services to them.

By contrast, eDataPay and its skilled banking team are happy to provide merchant services for moving and transportation companies. We value the services given by all types of businesses in the industry, including those who ship goods, move various objects, and facilitate residential relocation, among other things.

eDataPay Merchant Services for Moving companies include :

Traditional home and office movers, booking agents, carriers, local and long-distance transportation companies, high value transporters, auto transporters, PBO transporters, van operators, logistics and warehouse companies, web and app based technology companies, and many others use eDataPay Merchant Services for Moving companies.

Custom one-of-a-kind high-ticket items are available from movers and transportation businesses. Even a typical office transfer or small boat transport, for example, necessitates a custom cost proposal in the hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars. One-time high-ticket credit card sales are especially vulnerable to “friendly fraud,” in which customers use the service but charge it back in order to acquire it for free.

It might be dangerous to move or carry goods. Things break throughout the process of a transfer, or a customer’s goods aren’t delivered in the exact manner that was expected. Unfortunately, this opens the door to additional consumer disputes, increasing the danger of chargebacks.

Even carriers linked with huge national moving corporations are frequently run on a local or franchise basis. These are small or mid-sized firms who are exposed to severe chargeback liability and lack the capabilities to fulfill orders in the event of a crisis.
Credit card payments are frequently accepted over the phone by transporters using a virtual terminal. Because this type of card acceptance isn’t done face to face, it’s more vulnerable to outright fraud than retail purchases.


To get approved for a merchant account in 24 to 48 hours

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